Mormon Trails Collection
Dublin Core
Mormon Trails Collection
Date Created
Mormon Trails, Sanford Colorado
The people and places of the early Mormon settlements of Sanford, Manassa and La Jara Colorado in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Sanford, CO
Alamosa Public Library
Collection Items
Hamblin Family
Family (Hamblin children) Espie, Ethel and Oscar, Maud, Bertha and Floyd. Sanford, CO
Lewis and Lilly Sowards
Lewis and Lilly Sowards and family. This family settled between Manassa, CO and Sanford, CO.
Main Street, Sanford Colorado - 1894
Town of Sanford, CO, about 1894. This house was called the Sandford House and stands on Main Street.
May Day Celebration, Sanford Colorado - 1892
Women and girls at a May Day celebration in Sanford, about 1892.
Sanford Band - 1892
The Sanford Band, 1892.Top row: J. A. Crowther, James Jensen, Swen Peterson, Peter Peterson, Irma Whitney (in the drum).Bottom row: Orlando Funk, J. Frank Crowther, Lars Martensen, Wm. O. Crowther
The Stone Church, Sanford Colorado
The Stone Church, an LDS church in Sanford Colorado, built in 1907. This picture was taken in 1949. A newspaper clipping is attached to the bottom, with the headline "Group Lays New Chapel Corner Stone".
Mormon Hay Derrick, Sanford Colorado
The Mormon settlers of Sanford Colorado built this derrick as a tool for stacking hay.
Sanford Eighth Grade Graduation - 1910
The eighth grade graduation of the first school house in Sanford Park. Florence Reynolds is on the right side of the stage, and Lela Malloy is on the left.
San Luis Stake Academy, Manassa Colorado - 1900
The San Luis Stake Academy was first built in Sanford Colorado and later moved to Manassa. The Academy Burned in later years. In 1923-1924, it became Conejos County's first major educational institution.
Residence of Wm Coray, Sanford Colorado - 1896
Residence of Wm Coray in Sanford Colorado, built 1 block west of Main Street. This log cabin was moved to the park behind the Sanford Museum and restored in the early 2000's.